Random Event: The other animals around you are growing hostile to your presence. For @Kokonoe only.
Armand was regretting having ever joined the mountain pack at all. His family hadn't been here, not even one of them, and, putain, the meeting! Now they were on lockdown, because apparently there was some kind of Cove-hating killer roving around now? Whatever they'd done, Armand certainly hadn't been a part of it. Now he had to worry about getting killed for an association that was barely his anymore. It made leaving and staying both bad options.
Frustrated was an understatement, but at least he had his father's language. He let out his thoughts through it, confident that it was still the tongue of secrets as it had been for him as a child.
"... maudits connards de lapins, pas étonnant qu'ils finissent tous morts... Qui diable vit dans un endroit comme celui-ci?..."
So beautiful, yet so uncouth. Somewhere above his head as he walked, a squirrel began chittering angrily.