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Willow Ridge Pack Thread — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Becca who has 89 posts.
Inactive Pup
Romanov Archer
He welcomed her touch, leaned into it even. His amber eyes closed as he heard her words. The boy knew he was loved but that didn't lighten his emotions when the words came forth. He would have perhaps let his eyes well with tears but this moment was not about him. So he crammed the feelings down to be dealt with later or never.

The boy awkwardly dug his piebald marked paw into the snowy grounds. He was not sure how to comfort her more. His own emotional and social stunt was showing rather obviously. Maybe he didn't have to say anything, though. His sister was the one who was good with words where he was fit to play the shadow role. He was no right-hand man but maybe he didn't have to be to still be good.

His amber eyes looked to find the hardy silver gaze of his cousin. "I'm gonna find somethin' for dad. Do...do ya wanna come with?" Roman didn't know what she wanted but he could offer his awkward silent company if it'd make things better in the long run.
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Ravenna was completely content for the time being to stand there silently with her cousin pressed up against her for comfort and she to pressed up against him for the same. Everyone knew that the life of a loner was hard because you only had yourself to help protect you and yourself to help feed you and if you got injured it would be only you to help mend your wounds. Wolves were pack animals and it would always be that way. Although that didn't mean that being in a pack was particularly easy either. While it was physically much easier to be in a pack then it was to be a lone wolf it often was harder on you mentally especially in times like this.

"You know I'd never abandon you and your sister Roman, not ever." She assured the pup then after he spoke about getting something for his father. She touched her nose to the top of his head then and took a few paces forward, suggesting they go off then to one of the caches and fetch something up for Nicolo. She could only hope that in time her uncle would catch his footing soon enough.

Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
It had been nearly a month since @Sven had gotten attacked by a band of coyote, a final gesture it seemed, as they soon seemed to have all but finally left the southern area around their home at least. It had been hard on Sven, the aunt understood, as while his body and mind was well, his vision was not. With the plants around the area wilting away recently it had made recovery for him more time consuming, more difficult. Ravenna had been treating her age-mate nephew to the seeds of yellow rattle which would do well to help with bringing his vision back. She had also supplied much yarrow to help him sleep and keep back infection and laid down lavender to help sooth his stress. However when the stores ran dry it was hard to find more. She had sent the children out to work, to learn and practice their basics but when they came back empty pawed, she had went. Unfortunately, nothing. By now Sven couldn't be held back in the den anymore and he wondered, testing the strength of his one eye when the other had failed to yet show any progress.

Today Ravenna crept into the den, empty with herbs yet again. She didn't know if Sven was in the infirmary or not yet and the scent of Blitz, his dark form rested in the corner, had caught her attention. Ravenna shifted out from the late afternoon's bright rays of sun and into the den. @Blitz. She called questioning and lightly, if he was awake.

Played by Trix who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blitz Mizuno

He had had a long night. While filling in for Sven, he watched everyone in the pack like a hawk. Or tired to, with good intentions at least. When he wasn't busy with that he was teaching his children...educating them. Then patrolling. Hunting down lunch and next venturing out in search of any useful herbs to fill Ravenna's stock. Though it was a tiring job, Blitz liked being busy. It made him feel important...recognized. Having thoroughly earned his rest by taking the graveyard shift, the sea wolf had wedged himself in his favorite nook in the den.

A tightly curled ball of void black fur, his muzzle was buried deep within the folded crook of his fore legs. His thick tail curled around his tucked back paws for extra warmth, flicking only when he dreamed vividly. Likely dreams of his children...running along the shores of his homeland. A dream that he knew, in all likelihood, would never become a reality. Dreams didn't have to make sense; they ran wild, unrestricted by the bounds of reality. Deep in his sleep, he heard a voice. It was faint...but it pulled at him. He knew that voice. It's tug drew him out of his slumber, slowly. Just as slowly, he pulled his head up, blinking his eyes blearily. The silver-ish form of Ravenna greeted him. Wearing a still dazed expression, he responded. "Hmm...yeah?"

Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
He was there and as her pale gray eyes adjusted, she could see the dark silhouette of @Blitz along a little nook in the pack den which he often slumbered. She padded a bit closer to her laying friend (lead guardian, temporary co-lead, baby daddy...!?!) and settled down into a sit beside him. "I just wanted to see how you were holding up you know?" She spoke, shifting her attention to the infirmary and a small frown tugging at her expression. "I don't doubt you can handle the extra burden though... After all, your already our lead Guard and a father." She spoke. After all, the leader was usually the strongest and most dominant in the ranks. Blitz was just under this as both Second in the ranks and Lead Guardian. Not to mention he had his share of breeding rights so long as Ravenna sought him fitting. He was best fitted to tend to the position while Sven healed and best trusted to it, surely the same as Leotie would be to her should she ever get bad off.

Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Silvered limbs slowly trudged their way through the heart of the pack to find rest at the opening of the communal den, a salmon tongue lolling between parted jaws that bellowed foggy hot breath like smoke into the chilly and overcast skies. Snow dappled the ground in patches just large enough to offer the children some form of entertainment if their fascination for the powdery substance hadn't swayed already. Some snow dusting the top of the rocky structure that made up the den itself.

It took the aging Consul time to sink her aching bones into a comfortable position, smoldering amber irises concealing themselves behind ebony lids once Enoki's head came to rest upon outstretched paws. It was quiet out and despite the chilly conditions, a perfect opportunity to try and sneak a nap in.
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall

Ravenna could imagine how how it felt to be her mother... When the weight of the Pack's leadership fell onto her shoulders and her's alone. She could imagine it, when it was she who held the final word and there was none she had to seek consul for, no one to discuss things with firstly. Imagining it was really all she felt, for although Sven was gone for a week, even two, at a time, when and if he lopped back through the area he would sleep off the night, catch up with the Pack and head back out to look for his children.

Sven wouldn't miss much. The pack, savor the pups who had wondered off, had been content, happy, and secure. The winter had come and while they were in the thick of it there was no deaths, no starvation and no mortal injuries. Their Betas, Leotie and Blitz, remained vigilant and Enoki was always a helpful ear. The Pack had been doing far more well off then any others she had seen growing up and Ravenna thanked the gods for that.

Now, all she had to do was wait out the treacherous Winter.

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