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wunderkinder — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>The leader watched as both Renier and Taima leapt at the chance to explore. The boy was quick to regain his stance and his confidence, proudly howling his own little song to undoubtedly beckon his other two siblings to come out and play. Borden's chest swelled with pride. The boy that he had once been, his first-born son that had been lost, the younger brothers he had missed... alive again, remembered, and vividly present in Renier's sentience. His sister instantly caught on to his gimmicks and followed on his heels.

He took a small step forward, gazing down to the den entrance before looking back to Taima as she barked at her older pack mates and rolled back onto the grass. It had all happened in the blink of an eye, one moment Taima was actively greeting the pair, the next she was on her back. Just as he was about to intercept and separate the subordinates from the cubs, the girl's lighthearted snarl reassured him that she was all right. The sight of her tiny tongue provoked Sibyl to return the gesture. Again, Borden's soul was put at ease.

The smile returned to his face and it only broadened as Sibyl's soft-spoken question reached his ears. <b>"Renier is the boy, and the girl there is Taima,"</b> he introduced. Pointing with his muzzle to the den where he assumed the rest of his second litter was resting, he added, <b>"Four in all. Ryvet, the second-born boy, and Calla, the youngest girl, are probably still asleep."</b> His ears folded back in a modest manner and he let out a small chuckle, <b>"They take after Jaysyek. A little more reserved and sensible than those two lil' knuckleheads there. They're bound to catch up though, I'm sure."</b></blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Catching sleep did not seem like a possible action. Sometimes she got plenty of it, and other days she could have used a lot more. With Grizzly Hollow strong again, she had found her restless nights less than what they had been. Last night had not been one of them. The den was full of four curious pups more than ready to explore further outside. It took a lot to get them to come back in, and a bit more at times to get them to close their eyes, giving into the sleep they needed. She had not slept well at first. She would almost fall into dreamland when she'd jump awake to take a head count. This she did a countless number of times. Making sure they were all there, and breathing. Somewhere someone was calling her, and she was just too out of it to realize it was reality, not a dream.

When a little howl, and another reached her ears she was aware it was time to get up.

Blinking her eyes she she struggled to keep them open, but after a good stretch of her jaws and shake of her head she could see the morning light shining in the den. <i>The late morning light,</i> she briefly realized by the length of the yellow shade. She flinched briefly in fear all the children were out and no one around. When her eyes drifted downward she saw the pale forms of Ryvet and Calla. Half bewildered as to what the other two were doing, and what they were so excited about she decided it was best to go look. She was certain Borden was nearby, she could never be sure. Tilting her muzzle down she nuzzled the youngest, and the smallest of her daughters. Adding a wet lick to the base of her ears before turning to her look alike brother where she would adorn his own head with an affectionate lick. <b>"Darlings,"</b> she began in a half hushed tone, <b>"I think it's time to greet the day."</b> She nudged at them, trying to tease them out of their own dreams. She was confident Ryvet would venture on his own in good time when he awoke, Calla she debated to carry out. She decided against it. She would wake up, and realize they were outside where she could come. She didn't want to drag her into the blinding sun, in front of new faces. She wasn't sure if it would be too much. No, she would let them both come out on their own. A tender smile, she whispered to each, <b>"We'll be outside when you wake,"</b> and she made her way to the fresh air.

She was greeted with the usual sights and sounds of morning, and two she had not quite expected, but none the less was happy to encounter. Sibyl and Follko. Borden must have called the pack to meet the latest members. It did not bother her one bit, she was more than happy to introduce her children to the rest of the pack, and future caregivers. A happy smile, and flick of her tail she uttered a general, <b>"Good morning,"</b> to the happy group. She walked forward to take her place by Borden. <b>"I'm glad to see you here,"</b> she said, directing her attention to her pack mates. There was nothing that worried her about them, and she wanted to put their own minds at ease. She may be protective, but she had placed trust in them, and did not see any need to fret about their kind souls. <b>"Maybe, our sleepy heads will join us."</b></blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
<blockquote>Taima was trying to climb him in attempts to reach Follko better. That would not do, he was not a perch, and his ears flattened, a growl rolling in his throat to warn her to jump off. He rarely had sounded it when she bounded back at the new wolf's voice. He was just as surprised, and with a curious expression, he watched Follko's mouth move up and down, the words smoothly pouring out. He had listened to his parents speak, but the voice of another stranger how different, and it was very interesting to the little lad. With a cautious smile he understood a bit of what the older male was saying. He was nothing to fear, but his nose twitched in bemusement at this bag of bones. He thought he knew what bones were, but what did this have to do with this wolf? Ren was not sure, and wanted to ask. When his mouth opened to request more information, Taima was letting out a call of her own. He half smirked, amused by her own efforts in best him. He doubted she would, and his blue eyes flickered to Sibyl aware she was sniffing him. It tickled, and he could not help but giggle at the feeling. His black nose wiggled in return, and he studied the swirl of colors that made her own coat.

He turned his head briefly to shot his sister a look, but she was very hyper today, and was trying to climb onto Follko. Renier was ready to warn her not to, when it was to late and she had flown to crash back down. He let out a snort of sorts, half asking what she'd been thinking. She stayed where she had landed, and stuck her tongue out. Renier crinkled his nose, thinking about pouncing on her. The female spoke, and he half jumped because he had not been ready to hear her voice too. He soon collected himself as if nothing had happened, and turned to his father. He heard his name, and the rest of his family and was trying to put it together. It was too much for him to follow, and it was than he decided to jump on Taima in hopes to surprise her. It was just in the moment his mother had said good morning.</blockquote>
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Whisper who has 32 posts.
Inactive VIII. Yearling
Calla Lyall
Her mothers gentle nuzzles roused the white pup from her sleep and she grunted, attempting to roll back over and find the sleep that she had just lost. It failed, of course, with the warmth that was her mother getting up and leaving the den. Calla whined, rolling and stretching as she cracked open puppy-blue eyes and practically glared at the halo of light that illuminated the mouth of the den. A wide, jaw cracking yawn left the pup shaking her entire body as she forced herself to get up and waddle to the den entrance. Hovering just inside the shadow, she could see the shapes of her siblings outside, her mother.. father.. and other.. strange wolves she barely recognized - if by scent alone.

Frowning, she folded her ears back before taking a tentative step outside.. then gathering her courage, racing into the sunlight.. Only to find herself overwhelmed by the wolves she didn't know.. and practically rolling under Jaysyeks feet... where she huddled against her mothers front right leg, staring out from under the white beast at the two - Folko and Sybil. Who were they? Why were they here? Go away. A 'brave' yap slipped from her lips as she stayed hidden near her mothers leg, eyes staring at the two ebfore she huddled down again. Tail shifting slightly - enough that her entire hind end wiggled with it, Calla rested her chin on her mothers toes.. unless Jaysyek moved, anyway. <b>"whozat?"</b> Why were they here?
user posted image
Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
Not sure if he got skipped or what's going on with the order. So here's ma post..

Follko chuckled as the pup slipped off of him and tumbled to the ground.
After Borden almost lept up to help the pup Follko let out a dissatisfied snort.
"They're young! They fall over then bounce right back at ya again! Don't worry so much
We won't let them get hurt." Follko sniffed Taima and with a smile licked her nose.
The little girl was fine, and Follko was getting a kick out of how she was messin with Sibyl.

Just then another voice reached the elders ears. He looked up to see the
pups proud mother Jaysyek beginning to sit next to Borden. She greeted Follko
and Sibyl then spoke about the last two pups possibly coming out.
"Yep. I just can't believe how something so precious as life can be carried by
mothers. I don't know how you females do it." He sat back up straight again now
watching Renier as he seemed to struggle taking everything around him in.
"Also good morning Ma'am." He added to try and be polite.

The old wolfs eyes flicked back to Jaysyek's paws as another little bundle of fur
battered about under them. The other little girl had woken up. Follko registered
her scent just as he had with the others then yipped a low hello to the little one. He tried to
beckon her with his tail to play with her siblings and meet him.

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<i>Wrappin' this up. <3 Thanks for givin' these lil' ones a warm welcome. :D</i>

<blockquote>Jaysyek emerged from the den behind him with a warm <i>"Good morning."</i> While unamused by Follko's statement about telling him not to worry, Borden brushed the words away. The male, he had to remind himself, was oblivious to their hardships and the reasons why he and Jaysyek were so protective of their brood. A sharp yip caught his attention and his eyes fell upon the ivory fluff that had taken refuge behind one of his beloved's forearms. He grinned, watching his youngest daughter nestle her face into her mother's paws, ultimately resting her chin on Jayse's toes.

As Taima and Renier began to play, he merely smiled. Ryvet would come around, he was sure; perhaps he did take after his older brother before him. The masked leader's gaze turned toward the depths of the bear den but returned when Follko gave a low, inviting bark to Calla. Borden took a small step towards Jayse and quietly seated himself again, gently encouraging her with an assuring nudge of his nose to her side. He licked at one of her large ivory ears then planted a 'kiss' on her mother's cheek. Everything would be okay, he deduced, looking over the small gathering again. The tenderness and wisdom lent out to this occasion was more than what he could have ever asked for.

With Follko and Sibyl in addition to Jaysyek's ever-vigilant watch, the four newest Lyalls were surely and hopefully bound to all they could accomplish with their guidance.</blockquote>