The new players guide to RoW.
First of all, welcome to Ruins of Wildwood! Becoming a fully fledged RoWer and joining our friendly community is much easier than it seems—and this guide is designed to help you do that. Joining a game can be a confusing process but we want to make it as quick and painless as we can for you. However, please note, the information detailed in this article is only a small selection of information you can find about Ruins of Wildwood, the Library holds far more.
About the Site
Ruins of Wildwood is a realistic wolf roleplaying site with a lot of history. The original version was released in 2010 by Shadow and Tara and it entertained and brought together hundreds of writers up until January of 2019. This new release in 2021 hopes to simplify a lot of rules and game play to bring everyone back to the casual, writing-focused heart of roleplaying.Follow the steps to join the Game!
Below is a list of steps to guide you on a easy route to join the Game. For a bit of fun, as you complete each step by following this article, why not tick them of?
Plan your character. Now for the fun part—this is where you start to develop the character you want to play at RoW. Read further down this article for advice on creating a character, or alternatively you can always adopt a character from another member.
Create an account. Once you have read through this article you can register an account! When it is created fill in all the relevant fields pertaining to your character and yourself and make sure that your username is the first name of your character (e.g. Canis).
Request to join the game. When all of the above is done it's time to apply for the correct permissions to play the game. In your snazzy new account head over to the 'Join Relic Lore' thread and, following the instructions on that thread, post your application!