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i'd break the back of love for you — Swift River 
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
ooc. Private for Allie for the first round or two, then opening up to everyone.

None of this had been premeditated. The tawny male’s shoulder would brush ever so gently against the beautiful she-wolf that now strode by his side and even in such short time Ruiko wanted to give her the world. For the first of his years the regal wolf had doted upon his family, only to be shadowed by his littermate. For the past year he had doted upon himself and Kinis; trying to find them the life they both envisioned and yet failing to take the first step. In the previous months past, Ruiko had then taken to giving his energy and time to the youths of the River pack, all because the golden leader and assumed head of their family had simply disappeared. Indru’s return meant he once more held no place in life, and now.. now he wanted to give everything he had to the enchantress beside him, even though he had just met her. Together, they would build a future.

His paws slowed as they neared the River borders. His muzzle grazed over hers gently, ensuring she was okay. It was time to leave if Kinis and Volkan were ready, and lifting his muzzle to the sky, the golden male released a cry, summoning them and the rest of the pack to the edge of the territory. His shoulder pressed protectively to Aeylen’s side, should the pack take any threat from her. His bright amber eyes scanned the dark territory, noting that the sun was just beginning to rise at the horizon. A new day for their new start.
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
<blockquote>Shades of navy and salmon inked the sky as dawn began to break overhead, welcoming the pair's newfound bond as they encroached upon Swift River territory and those who lived out their time within its borders. The days that had passed since her descent from the mountains had been spent comfortably, lustfully at his side, right where she belonged now. The dynamic shared by the two wolves was unusual - fast, effortless - scripted by warm embraces, selfless exchanges, and within each an instinctual tie to the other.

The woodland was quiet, as though it, too, slumbered beneath the moon which was slowly disappearing. A hint of fog, though to be short lived, hung above the icy forest floor, obscuring from her some curiosities. Where would Ruiko lead her this morning? Further, to whom? From the smell of it, straight into the heart of pack territory. Here and there, chills would grip the shewolf's body, a physiological reaction to all that she perceived as they pushed forward.

Quick to mirror her lover's change of pace, Aeylen embraced the reassuring graze of Ruiko's snout as he probed, closing what space was between them. Though it was all entirely novel, there was no doubt or fear for him to find, only an ironclad partnership and an unconditional, perpetual regard. She watched, wide-eyed, as the male sang skyward; <i>the tones of his voice could be her lullaby</i>, perfectly. Tail level behind her and honey eyes searching the distances for movement, the tawny female waited silently, unwaveringly, at Ruiko's side. </blockquote>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
ooc. All welcome to join, now! This is Ruiko, Kinis and Volkan's departing thread. :)

As his song faded across the skies that overlooked his old homeland, the regal male cast a sideways glance to Aeylen, curious to how she was feeling at the moment. Her trust in him seemed to breath new confidence into the Tainn wolf, and he knew that her gentle nature was sure to win over Kinis and Volkan effortlessly.

“They will love you,” he murmured to her, his teeth preening quietly at the tip of her crown before pulling back, his eyes seeking hers momentarily. “Once Kinis and Volkan come we will say our goodbyes,” he offered quietly, his gaze steeling back to the borders of the pack. Were they to be met with wolves of disappointment, or wolves of joy? Would Triell come? Indru, Corinna and the pups? Ruiko was uncertain the finality of his decision would be upon his family, but they had known for some time now his stay was not a permanent one.

“Then we will find a home for all of us,” he spoke, his tone held a finality to it. This had all been a long time coming, and he knew Kinis and Volkan both were anxious to settle themselves to the pack he had promised them. They would travel north after this, seeking out a land that he and Aeylen could raise their future young. A place where a family could grow.
(This post was last modified: Jan 04, 2012, 03:55 AM by Ruiko.)
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>It was what every fibre of his being had been waiting for.

For a few moments, as the beautiful note wound into his ears and through his mind, Kinis didn't comprehend it. The wait had been so long, so torturous, that relief almost felt wrong. He was used to the torment, to the promises of tomorrow, and for a moment, was reluctant to let go of them. He felt like he had been waiting his entire life for this. A lifetime of anticipation... and now that was all over. In a way, it was frightening.

And then the penny dropped, and he almost exploded with poorly-contained euphoria.

Even as he ran, he tipped his head back and gave his own song, the tune jerky as he lurched forwards but loud, proud and strong regardless. <i>I am coming - I am ready. I am coming!</i> He had always been ready, and he had always been following Ruiko. His heart pounded with a ferocity completely detached from his physical exertion, every movement taking him closer to the borders, further from the den - closer to freedom and further from the cage he had been trapped in for so long. Rebecca had asked if pack life was boring. It wasn't going to be, not any more.

For a time, Kinis had pondered this moment, and had wondered what he would do when faced with the river for this last time. All it represented, now, was a line to be crossed - but still with so much behind it, behind him. Would he pause? Would he cross without hesitation?

The question would never be satisfactorily answered, for Kinis found himself slowing due to a completely unrelated force. Who was that? For a fleeting, irrational moment, he believed it to be Ranger - but not only was that impossible, she did not even look like his grey friend. Rapidly he ran through the other female faces and names he knew, but none matched. So hesitate he did before plunging into the river, but only with intrigue and, in part, confusion. This was to be them leaving, was it not? Or was this just a wolf Ruiko had not had the opportunity to introduce yet? That made the most sense, he realised, and like that the hesitation was swept away; grinning, and his tail an unstoppable force behind him, Kinis waded into the river and emerged feeling reborn. His instinctual trust for Ruiko banished any doubts as to this stranger; he had grown to respect Volkan, had he not? Was this different?

Reverentially, he touched noses with Ruiko, his heart reduced to an excitable flutter in his chest. There were no words to effectively convey what he felt at that moment.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
Marsh can be skipped on following rounds, but I just wanted him to be here (:

<blockquote>He heard the song, and understood. It had been coming for quite some time, and though Marsh disapproved of the timing, he could comprehend Ruiko's needs. The contained tension between the pair had never lessened, and Marsh was pleased to see the tense, arrogant wolf leave, sad as he was for Swift River to lose three physically capable wolves. He may not have liked Ruiko, but he had respected the Tainn. There had been many opportunities for conflict, but Ruiko had never reduced himself to it; Swift River was strong and whole, and, with any luck, the two groups would part with no ill will.

It was for that reason that Marsh felt compelled to watch them leave. There was no love lost for any three of them - though Volkan, perhaps, had earned something beyond respect - but representing what he did, and knowing the lack of affection between himself and Ruiko, Marsh did not want any reason for contempt or distrust to unnecessarily linger. He could do that much.

Hearing the younger Tainn's reply, Marsh turned about and trod heavily towards the border. It did not take long for the small group to become visible, and he watched as Kinis approached the pair. His gaze neutral, Marsh stepped up to the river and there he sat.

He would wait for some glance from Ruiko - any fleeting glance - to dip his head once. To wish them well was the least he could do.</blockquote>
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>As the sun ascended steadily over the wintered lands, Volkan's oversize paws carried her swiftly, effortlessly, to the source of the howl she'd been dreaming of. Having spent day and night waiting for the call, it didn't seem real to her. Yet she knew Ruiko's unmistakable call, the call of the wolf who had inexplicably won her respect on her first day in Relic Lore. The wolf who would, in a matter of hours, be her leader.

Oddly, the first wolf she saw as she stepped silently yet shamelessly through the trees was Marsh, the eternally unreadable enigma. Her mouth hung open slightly as her gaze found him, unapologetic, though at a loss. For once, Marsh would be right. No words necessary here.

Her pale gaze found Ruiko then, and she broke into a gallop, a knowing smile spreading across her peppered features. It took her only seconds to reach him, and when she did, she had to skid to a halt to avoid knocking him over. Eagerly she greeted him with a big, sloppy lick under the chin, the light of pure joy shining through in her eyes. Kinis was next; she crossed to him to give her packmate a playful nip on the cheek through a solid grin. And then... someone new. Volkan stopped in front of her, unabashedly scrutinizing.

This mystery female was older, closer to Ruiko's age, she guessed, and amber-eyed. Briefly Volkan glanced to Ruiko, and then back to the female. So this was who he'd chosen? While the stranger wasn't all that intriguing, there was a certain, strange regal quality in her that somehow matched Ruiko perfectly. Her soft, inviting appearance gave her the look of someone who could be a mother— such a stark contrast to Volkan, whose coat looked as bleak as the dried lands around her. So this wolf was gonna be her leader, huh? Icy eyes lingered for a moment more before Volkan narrowed them, maw twisting in a smirk as she gave her a silent nod, with all the respect she could muster for a complete stranger, and moved to stand at Kinis' side.

Waiting for the rest of the pack to appear through the trees, her heart began to race, and she fought to keep still. Any minute now, Triell's dark form would step out of the brush, and the only moment she'd been dreading would become reality.</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
<blockquote>She could feel his eyes burning a hole through her as her own attempted to process the sight of their surroundings. For only a moment longer would she allow them to peer before meeting his silently curious gaze. She was nervous, naturally, but the situation was much a double-edged sword; from one perspective, she would await the arrival of his packmates, doting on their perceptions of her and wondering with what looks her wandering eyes would be met; from another perspective, this would be the hardest part, breaking the ice, and after it was done, well...<i>the world was out there, waiting for them all.</i>

And so a shallow breath - at the moment, the best she could do - was taken in as a coy half grin spanned her lit face. <i>They will love you, </i>he murmured encouragingly. Love really was such a strong word, so strong that she absolutely knew that would not be the case. If anything, she'd be met with a curiosity as strong as her own. However, she was quick to acknowledge Ruiko's appreciated support as he nibbled the breadth between her ears, looking up to bump his chin softly. <i>Kinis and Volkan</i> - names she pondered on briefly, knowing that they belonged to faceless wolves that would soon become familiar in every sense. The anticipation was truly agonizing.

His call was soon met by a melodious response, ringing through the terrain with a fervent urgency. Ears stiffening forward, the female's eyes continued to watch as there was a rustling in the distance; shortly thereafter, a tawny figure bounded into view, bearing resemblance to the brute at her side. With a cautious excitement, Aeylen's tail swayed slowly behind her for a moment as she watched the wolf's moments of hesitation and consideration as the younger male crossed through the river's waters. She shifted her weight to the side accomodatingly as the wolf approached to greet Ruiko, watching wide-eyed as they interacted. Even if they didn't know or love her, it was clear that Ruiko was adored, and a sense of pride rolled in her chest at the exuberance of the drenched youth.

The Onida female's attention was stolen by a rust colored figure as he, too, came to sit stoically on the adjacent river bank. A warm gaze swept him over as she considered why he did not come streaking through the river to join Ruiko - a reminder of her own circumstance as a newcomer, such a lack of knowledge.

Approaching behind the rust-colored wolf, a static-colored female, perhaps a bit younger than she, made her way past, crossing into and out of the waters before the group. Ears flattened instinctively to her skull; though the femme's scent would serve to spark a dominant flare, Aeylen was quick to remedy the backlash of body language that resulted, knowing that this this Volkan was to be an integral part of her. In all honesty, it was a relief to know she'd not be the only of her gender among them. Again, she observed quietly as the female and Ruiko paid their due greetings, before being approached herself. The obvious skepticism behind the shewolf's iron stare was certainly colder than she'd hoped for, but did little to deter her optimism. With a smirk, the large-pawed wolf looked her over before offering a simple nod, which she acknowleged with a warm, unfaltering nod of her own. They were certainly not a foolish bunch, were they? Analyzing the spectrum of unknown scents that hovered, the thick-bodied shewolf comitted them all to her memory.

(This post was last modified: Jan 05, 2012, 10:26 PM by Aeylen.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Only minutes passed before Kinis’ joyful song echoed across the River territory. The howl caused the stoical male’s ears to perk and a lopsided grin to break his emotionless gaze. Kinis had awaited this day the first time they had left the River pack, and the excitement seemed to be contagious, for the large male felt a tightening of anticipation in his chest.

The bump of his mate’s muzzle caused the Tainn to steal another glance her way, curious as to her thoughts at the moment. Together, the two shared a dream of their pack.. but Ruiko also shared his dream with Kinis, and more recently, Volkan. Gentle-natured, Aeylen seemed to understand this far better than any other wolf he would have ever explained it to, and another surge of pride swept through the wolf with the gratitude that he had happened upon her.

Only when there was a rustle of foliage that announced his brothers presence did the tawny male shift his gaze back to the pack lands. As Kinis bounded across the waters, the large male bowed his figure in a playful bow, his own tail mirroring the actions of his brother momentarily. As the yearling drew up and touched his nose, Ruiko bumped his cheek in greeting.

Before introductions could be made, his gaze fell upon the quiet figure of Marsh. Uncertain when the male had slunk in to watch their farewells, the brief nod from the Second drew one from himself as well; the clash of the large wolves with tension had been noticed by many, but had never come to blows. That, and the wolf had gained Ruiko’s respect on the day of the pack hunt, when he had taken an injury from a sow to keep Triell safe.

Volkan emerged next, and her excitement was apparent as well. As she plowed toward the group, Ruiko met her greeting with a nudge to her cheek as well, his eyes finally falling upon Aeylen. She took the meeting with calm demur and Ruiko leant forward to place a kiss upon the crown of her head. “Kinis, Volkan.. This is Aeylen.” There was a small pause. “My mate.”
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Head had just then fallen to cream colored paws when the strong voice of Ruiko rang out. Ears perked at the noise, but her whole body immediately rose when she grasped the message held within her brother-in-law's voice. So today was the day when Ruiko was backing out on his promise to keep her and her children safe. No, the voice in Corinna's head corrected as the she-wolf turned and headed off at a quick run towards the source of the howl, today is the day that Ruiko gets what he deserves. He had told her from the beginning that his stay in Swift River was not a permanent one. The days were long gone when he could view this place comfortably as home. She saw in his eyes the discomfort and dissatisfaction when it came to being beneath Indru and Marsh in the hierarchy. Ruiko had tasted the joys of being a leader, and even as Corinna arrived at the banks of the river and saw the large figure sitting across the blue divide, she could only see the rise of a wolf into the position that was rightfully his. Her presence in the pack had started the challenge between Indru and Ruiko that had eventually driven the second brother away, and for that, she had never quite forgiven herself.

Slowing to a walk, the she-wolf approached Marsh's side. Unlike the others, Kinis, Volkan, and an unknown wolf, the Swift River Second had not crossed the watery boundary between the two. Nudging her loyal companion's shoulder to announce her presence, Corinna drew even with him, green eyes staring out across the water. Where would he go? With winter bearing down upon them, the time to start a new pack was not ideal. But Ruiko was not a wolf who could be caged for long, and Swift River had been a cage to him. Moving away from the leader to the subordinates, Kinis and Volkan, Corinna smiled quietly. She hadn't gotten the chance to really meet the pair while they had been under her care, but they were two able-bodied wolves she was sorry to see leave.

Green eyes fell to the strange she-wolf at Ruiko's side, and she looked on with understanding. So this was who he had chosen? Long gone was Ranger, the ebony she-wolf who had once posed the greatest threat to Corinna's power inside the pack's territory. She had been replaced by this creature. They were sisters now, by virtue of who they had decided to spend the rest of their lives with. Looking back to Ruiko, Corinna's tail wagged ever so slightly behind her. She trusted his judgement - he would not settle for less than he deserved.

Lifting her head ever so slightly, Corinna howled. Voice rose up above the group of the gathered, surpassing the river's geographical boundary. Her message was clear to the gathered group and to their leader. I will miss you and thank you.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>Ruiko's song haunted the grounds of Swift River, and drove deep into Triell's heart with a cold realization.<i>Today was to be the day then.</i> The simple thought seemed to repeat in his head, freezing every fiber of his being from continuing his rounds along the river.

It would be a lie to think this day had not been known, and a selfish part of him could easily pout, fuss, and in general feel the rage press into him to a bitter end. No, this was Ruiko's day, one he had waited for, and one he had deserved for a long time coming. Being no spoiled brat, and neither was he one to cry about things not being fair he would have not when he was smaller, and he would not now. He knew he needed to say his fairwells, and congratulate his brother. When the grove became quiet, and he could feel his breath return he padded toward the call taking his time to shake the sadness that crept through him. He had decided Swift River was the place he needed to stay.

Despite how happy he wanted to be, he was numb inside, and tried to make himself feel something beside loss. <i>They are still in Relic Lore,</i> he had to tell himself pushing onward until he spotted Marsh's chestnut backside, and Cori's smaller figure. He searched for Indru, but did not see his elder brother. He had to be here, shouldn't he be here? His eyes paused the longest time on Marsh's back, knowing he had not yet fixed the disagreement between them. There would be time for that he reassured himself, and finally prowled from the grove to the river bank where at last his eyes would fall upon the leaving party.

They were all there as he had thought, no longer wanting to stay, <i>needing</i> he corrected himself. The river separated him from them in more than one way. Ruiko, Kinis, and <i>Volkan.</i> His bright eyes met each one, a somber grin stretching his black lips as his tail beat softly behind him while Cori sang her beautiful song of missing, and thanks. He came to realize there was a woman beside Rue, and studied her knowing she was to be his mate, his other half. There was a sense of relief, and happiness that found itself inside him because this wolf was apart of his family now. He offered a friendly dip of his head, but said nothing. He longed to cross, and was unsure if he should. Would it make this harder or easier? His large paws carried him closer, and he gazed across the rushing water torn.
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are you with me through it all?
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