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what was I made for? — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Tasha who has 40 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sophrosnia Eirini
Sophrosnia, a hungry stoat is trying to scavenge your meal.
pain is what you desire
bang bang shots fired

Sophrosnia felt nausea pang through her abdomen at the thought of food, moving along the heights. There was little doubt that @Vili was close on her tail. He seemed to have remained, lingering like a shadow as she went about her life. The tawny woman was still not certain as to how she felt about the father-to-be… she was not certain if his intentions were to truly stick around. A part of her had even considered that perhaps he was following her about only to try and snag her pup away from her the moment it was born. If that was truly the case, he would have another thing coming.

Still, she’d been forced to eat with his constant trailing despite the fact that her appetite had reached sub-zero temperatures. She supposed she had to, for the life that now grew inside of her… she was forcing herself to do it solely for the life she carried. From what she knew, from her mother (or more of adopted mother), this sort of thing was normal in pregnancy.

It had resulted in her own hunting grounds, finding a warren and using it to snag herself not one but two rabbits… it was no small feat, of course. She had been quite proud of herself for making such a catch though she firmly intended to eat only one, leaving the other for Vili who would not be too far behind.

However, the meal left for Vili might not last. She’d finished off her own rabbit, moving to walk away as a hungry stoat moved up, beginning to pick at the extra rabbit. Soph merely turned her head, emerald eyes staring down the creature, wondering if she should intervene, or if she should simply let it have it’s scraps.

(// Tasha
Played by Van who has 17 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Lillia Daireann
Lillia was aimless. It was nothing new - she hadn’t known where she was going for a long, long time now. She was used to it by this point, the picking a direction and walking without a destination in mind, and then turning at some point to pick another. Always alone, always seeking something she didn’t have a name for.

Or, maybe she did have a name for it. Nadine was always at the forefront of her mind, but she had no way to know where her sister was, if she was even alive. If she’d even want to see Lillia, if she was.

The scar on her face burned, shame prickling over her skin.

Not strong enough, it said. Not brave enough, not sturdy enough. Not enough, not enough, not enough.

She shook her head to rid it of the negative thoughts and continued on her way.

Only to be halted by the scent of dead rabbit and pregnant wolf.

Lillia immediately switched direction and approached the combined scents, ears angling forward. There was a little wolf - maybe a little older than Lillia herself, and heavily pregnant, staring at a bold stoat, who was stealing her food.

Normally, Lillia wouldn’t get involved, but without her permission, her paws carried her toward the other woman. She was quiet in her approach, not wanting to startle the stoat, and gestured with a nod toward the little thief.

Want me to get that for you?
Played by Tasha who has 40 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sophrosnia Eirini
pain is what you desire
bang bang shots fired

Soph had not been expecting the presence of another to lighten the atmosphere. She licked the blood from her paws as the woman looked to her. She had not been expecting anyone other than Vili to find their way across her stoop but she found that it was not unwelcome. She found that the woman offered a certain kindness in the way she nodded towards the thief, and Soph pondered it for a moment. She nearly shrugged with indifference but then she thought of the sire to her children and considered her offer once more.

There was a curt nod, a silent thank you with it that would show gratitude for the woman who lingered across from her. She took the moment to analyze her, from her gait to the phasing nature of the grey fur she carried… a decent size, certainly larger than Soph herself… and a distinct lack of pregnancy though with her apparent age Soph considered that she should not be surprised. She’d have been on the cusp of even being able to have children. She also noted the scar across her cheek… somehow, to Soph, it simply made her more beautiful, and more radiant.

Perhaps because it proved that the girl had gone through trials and tribulations of her own… perhaps because it reminded her much of Nastasia and her father… she was not certain, nor did she plead with her mind for some form of answer to the question. Instead, the tawny woman sat, her emerald eyes intent to watch the show and see how her darling debutante of a hero could assist her in freeing up the meal for her partner… the father of her children. It was still so strange to think about.

(// Tasha
Sophrosnia is currently travelling with Lillia and is closely tailed by Vili
Played by Van who has 17 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Lillia Daireann
Their exchange was a silent one - whether the smaller woman wasn’t particularly talkative, or she was just following Lillia’s lead in taking care not to startle the stoat into running off with the prey, she didn’t know. It was clear the reason for her quietness wasn’t because she was shy, however - those green eyes of hers were sharp and studious as they roved over Lillia’s frame, but the younger of the two didn’t mind being appraised like this. It was similar to the way she studied others, herself, and it was a little refreshing to see someone else display the same carefulness that Lillia always did.

She waited patiently, body language relaxed and open, for the expectant mother to make her decision. If she said no, it was no skin off of Lillia’s nose, but leaving a pregnant woman alone to watch her food be taken when she’d so obviously made the effort of catching it in the first place didn’t sit right with her. There was no need for the tawny woman to waste any more energy when there was someone around to offer assistance.

Eventually, she received a nod, and that was all Lillia needed. She offered the little lady a smile before turning back toward the stoat, who had been helping itself to someone else’s hard-earned meal. Lillia kept close to the ground, slinking up on the tiny thief. It wouldn’t be hard to scare off a stoat, she figured, even as bold as this one was.

She hadn’t taken into account exactly how brave hungry stoats could be. Lillia bolted forward, intending on frightening the little weasel off, but the tiny scavenger made an angry sound and stood its ground. The dark-furred wolf bristled a little and reached out to grab it in her jaws, and she did, but the stoat wasn’t ready to go down without a fight.

It was by far not the most painful thing Lillia had ever experienced, when its teeth sank into her nose, but she did growl and shake the tiny beast in return. It was flung off into the underbrush, and Lillia watched with intense golden eyes, waiting for it to return, but if it had survived, it decided it had had enough. The young wolf licked the blood off of her nose, passing over the small wound on her nose, and turned to pick up the rabbit and carry it back to the mother-to-be’s paws.
Played by Tasha who has 40 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sophrosnia Eirini
pain is what you desire
bang bang shots fired

Sophrosnia was normally a careful woman… even with her latest missteps, she proved to be cautious in everything she did. It had been a temporary lapse of judgement and nothing more… of that, she was determined to make certain. Besides, many cared little about forming attachments with her after they had come to understand that she was a wordless companion. Those who attempted to stick around usually wanted something from her, and once they realized they would not get it from her either they were quick to turn tail and run. She had come to expect such behaviors now… how horribly predictable.

She watched as the woman stalked through, a smile on her features as she moved towards the stoat. Soph watched with interest as it lashed out and fought back against an opponent that would clearly win, her eyes widening with surprise as it snapped at her nose. How puzzling! Intriguing even! There was little doubt that it was enough to make Soph’s mind wander to a variety of questions that would never break the crisp silence in the air.

She heard the girl growl, and watched as she flung it into the underbrush with a sense of approval radiating off of her. Yes, she was doing well.

She picked up the rabbit, bringing it to Soph and for a moment the expectant mother looked at it, blinking at it before looking back to the stranger. She’d had no intention of eating it herself, but the stranger could not have possibly known that… still, it was not Vili who had been there to protect the meal, and so she would simply nose it forward towards the woman before motioning to the carcass not far from where she had sat, hoping to signify she had already eaten one and that this one should go to the valiant debutante that had chased off the scavenger instead.

(// Tasha
Sophrosnia is currently travelling with Lillia and is closely tailed by Vili
Played by Van who has 17 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Lillia Daireann
the internet said stoats were brave lil things so I wasn’t sure if it would run away or not haha

It was rare for Lillia to go out of her way for someone else, but this hadn’t been too much of a chore, and pregnant women needed to eat, so she rationalized it internally by telling herself that anyone would have done the same in her position. It didn’t make her a good samaritan - it just made her normal.

To her surprise, the other woman refused the offering. Lillia’s brows knitted together in mild confusion, glancing between the rabbit and the tawny woman. There were no words here, either - the pregnant wolf was the silent type, clearly. But Lillia didn’t mind that - it just made it a little harder for her to parse what the other wolf was trying to tell her.

Her eyes flicked over to what the stranger was trying to get her to look at - a picked-apart rabbit carcass, no doubt eaten by the woman before her. So this rabbit had been for someone else, initially.

But given that the other wolf was trying to give Lillia the uneaten rabbit, it was clearly hers now.

Huh. Maybe this doing things for other people thing paid off sometimes. Lillia wasn’t one to turn down a free meal, and offered the other woman a tentative smile before settling down to eat.

There was probably a catch to this, but Lillia was hungry, and she doubted that this stranger was capable of doing much to harm her. The rabbit was probably not poisoned, either, given that the stoat was eating it.

She kept glancing back to the stranger as she ate, studying her further with every glance. It could be because she’d just given Lillia food, or perhaps that pregnancy really did give one a certain glow, but for the first time Lillia noticed how pretty the other woman was. A realization that she wouldn’t voice out loud, but something that should be acknowledged nonetheless.
Played by Tasha who has 40 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sophrosnia Eirini
pain is what you desire
bang bang shots fired

She seemed to have caught the woman off guard with her offer, and she watched as the woman glanced back to her as she ate. She simply offered a comforting smile to her, a gentle and continued assurance that it was all okay as she continued to eat. She did not make a single noise, not even a rather vocal exhale to break the silence of their interaction. Instead, there was a certain measure of contentment. There was a simple peace in being able to sit there in silence, not worried about what the other wolf’s intentions are.

She seldom got that, especially with how closely she was tailed by the father to be… Lillia had proven her intention by simply providing her despite having no attachment to her. She also had no knowledge of who she was, apart from being pregnant… it felt fairly easy in that moment to trust the other woman, at least for the interactions she had at hand.

Once she was closer to finishing her own meal, Soph began to sniff the air around her, a silent inquiry. She did not smell like other wolves, but that did not necessarily mean she was without a pack. Perhaps it was some form of extended scouting trip? Or perhaps she was truly alone… in which case, Lillia would be more than welcome to tag along with her, if she did not mind the silent company… she was certain that if it were an issue, the woman would simply depart.

(// Tasha
Sophrosnia is currently travelling with Lillia and is closely tailed by Vili
Played by Van who has 17 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Lillia Daireann
Once it became obvious that the stranger wasn’t going to maul her, Lillia let herself relax. Or, at least, she let herself relax as much as was possible for her - she hadn’t felt completely safe in a long time. But the silent woman hadn’t done anything yet, and with her size, Lillia wasn’t particularly concerned. Besides, she had no reason to attack - outside of this being a particularly elaborate ploy to trick Lillia into letting her guard down.

It didn’t seem likely.

The rabbit filled her belly and she sighed softly in contentment. It’d been a while since she hadn’t felt hungry. Lillia glanced back toward the pregnant woman - she had her to thank for that, she supposed.

She was quiet, but Lillia didn’t mind. It just meant she had to pay a little closer attention to see what she was trying to communicate. This wasn’t a problem, of course - Lillia had been trained for this. Well, not this specific situation exactly, but close enough.

The stranger was sniffing at her, and Lillia willingly padded forward to let her. The woman’s own scent didn’t carry anything that would indicate she was part of a pack, which must suck, being a pregnant loner. There was another on her pelt, but that was all Lillia could pick out.

“You don’t have a pack?” she asked, figuring that she could keep her questions strictly yes-or-no. That way, if the woman couldn’t speak at all, they could still communicate.
Played by Tasha who has 40 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sophrosnia Eirini
pain is what you desire
bang bang shots fired

She noted the comfortable silence of the other woman too. Some silence felt tense, other happy, other awkward or uncertain… but not with the woman who was now her compatriot for the moment. Admittedly, some small part of her hoped that the woman developed into a stage-five clinger just as Vili had, lurking constantly… a presence she had come to rely on, especially with her current condition. She knew it would not be easy, especially once she gave birth and found herself den-bound for some time with however many pups grew inside of her.

You don’t have a pack?

She considered carefully for a moment before she would shake her head, another silent answer. She noted the almost deliberate manner in which she asked a yes-or-no question, having hope that the woman could understand her silence as a condition rather than a choice… in some ways, it was a choice, and in others it was not. She would take a moment, grooming her paws and chest for a moment before looking back to the woman, blinking a few times. She had questions, but the overwhelming need for the solace that silence provided would win in the end.

It always did… it had for almost a year… when she had taken the dive into the relaxed embrace that it provided. Once she had found that peace, she found no reason to break it, and her life had been all the more peaceful for it. Seldom did she find conflict, even if it limited her in many ways.

She would tilt her head, blinking a few times before a light chuff escaped, silently asking to confirm what she already knew from scent alone. And you?

(// Tasha
Sophrosnia is currently travelling with Lillia and is closely tailed by Vili
Played by Van who has 17 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Lillia Daireann
Lillia waited for an answer, and after a few moments, the smaller woman shook her head. She was beginning to suspect the silence was a permanent sort of thing, which was fine, in Lillia’s eyes. Talking could become tiresome after a time, and though there was just as much deceit in body language, at least you didn’t have to worry about picking apart someone’s words and actions at the same time.

It was nice, she found. Comfortable, even.

But she still wasn’t well-versed in communicating with only her body. That would come in time, she supposed, after she learned more about this woman.

She found that she did, in fact, want to learn more.

“I’m alone,” she confirmed in response to the stranger’s chuff, golden eyes trailing over her again. Hopefully she wouldn’t mind if Lillia used her words from time to time.

It had been a very long time since Lillia had someone to spend time with. Most wolves were just a passing conversation here or a glance there. There had been very little in the way of actual verbal conversation with this one, but that made her all the more interesting.

Besides, if she were able to provide Lillia a bit more security… well, that couldn’t be all that bad, could it?

Lillia got to her feet and, in an attempt to meet the stranger’s personal brand of communication, padded up to her. If the other woman didn’t move, Lillia would circle around her - never touching - and locate one of the other woman’s paw prints on the ground. Carefully, she would place one larger paw over the print, and seek out the tawny woman’s gaze before tilting her head to the side in question.

Do you want me with you?