Their journey had not been much of a long one. Ash seemed to always know where he was going with his new plans, though the last one had not worked out as he had so carefully planned it. Hopefully this time would be different. He held onto the faith that she trusted him in what he was doing. The last time he had seen Sloane had been quite awhile ago and the two had been on shaky terms due to him attacking his sister and Sloane’s best friend at the time. Hopefully Nina and Sloane’s relationship were still close and Ash and Namara would be able to get accepted into a pack, one that would accept them and not treat them like yesterday’s news.
It was why he had faith that Whisper Caverns was the choice for them and he felt as if he was leading Namara in blindly…which…he was. Ash was happy that she trusted him though, which was obvious in the way that she trusted him. They moved as one, occasionally bumping against one another or having their fur brush. It was a pleasant and comforting feeling…until they came upon the borders of Whisper Caverns. Taking a deep breath and stealing a quick glance at Namara to make sure that she was ready; Ash tilted his head back and requested the presence of the alphas of Whisper Caverns. He would not be surprised if the king of the lands recognized his voice, as they had meet quite a few time…only not on the best of terms. Taking a deep breath, he sat down, patiently waiting out the possible long task ahead of them.