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Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
Discovery thread before the claiming thread. Backdated to the 1st of May. Roughly around 3am.

@Kisla @Naia @Bastet @Anastasia @Amisun @Jynx @Lachesis @Karpos @Orren @Karina

You're also free to start posting your journey threads. Be aware that they'll need to be backdated so that timelines don't become messed up too much. Any time between the 22nd and the 30th of April will be perfect. Not everyone needs to reply to this thread, but it'd certainly be appreciated! We want you guys to be a part of HR, from the start! The claiming thread, however, will definitely be a mandatory to post in.

It had been a difficult journey. The River wolves had crossed several territories in order to put distance between themselves and their enemies. From Cedarwood Forest through Ghastly Woods, creeping along the slopes that led to Mount Dire's impressive, snow capped peak. They had drifted alongside an impressive Fjord, a great waterway that cut through the rock. They had found a crossing point close to the shores of an expansive lake, dotted with islands, before the migrating wolves had entered the forested haven of Kingsfall. For days, they had walked. Their paws ached and the journey had left them with plenty of opportunities to experience new things before, finally, they rested properly.

And yet, the grand lord of the family felt uneasy. Until they claimed a home of their own, re-established some sense of normality, he would not cease his patrols. Kisla was heavily pregnant now and, if he had been counting the moons correctly, she would birth their second litter soon. It played heavily on his mind. She could not be expected to birth pups in the open. Lifting himself tiredly from his haunches, he shook out his coat with a grunt. Not safe yet. Not safe. He had to protect his family ..

Onward he walked through the magnificent forest of Kingsfall, his eyes drawn to nothing in particular but everything at the same time. How long 'til he felt settled? How long 'til his children were soothed? The father hung his head in shame, his heart practically broken in his chest--he had failed them. He had wanted them to want for nothing, to never feel fear. How could he have let this happen? Huffing a sigh and shaking his head--it wouldn't serve any of them well for him to mope so pathetically--the Baranski lifted his head to the canopies above, to where the endless skies stretched out. "Why," he questioned softly. "Why have you forced this upon my family?" He wasn't sure who he was talking to, be it some god above or the stars themselves. They twinkled lazily, refusing to give the king his answer.

Lowering his gaze to the ground, he continued on before he froze. The quiet murmur of water filled his ears and, for a moment, he was confused. Had this all been a dream? Was he back within the Cedarwood forest? Was all as it should be? He picked up the pace, first a jog ... and then a thunderous charge as the water grew louder and more determined on his ears. Bursting through the treeline, peridot eyes wide, he did not stop. He would not. Not until he had found the river.

Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
so for you this is just a good time
but for me this is what I call life

Throughout the entirety of the journey to the new lands, Karpos had kept quiet as he fell into a more reserved nature. He had not said a word since the meeting, and even then he had not said a word. He was trying his hardest not to relive the memories that had caused him to move time after time. He tried his best not to remember the infection that claimed his father's life. But still, memories of his Auntie Pella dropping him off at the mountain pack's doorstep rang through to him as it haunted his every waking moment and even into his sleep. The entire trip made him suffer the nostalgia that he had done his best to put behind them and it was all at the fault of one Mr. Rook Lyall. Oh yes, the Lyall boy would pay soon enough.

The chocolate coated boy sat down, his mind obviously somewhere else as he remembered the fight with Aponi which had caused him to move away from his home once more. That was when he reunited with his family and called a new place home. He tried to add up all of the disappointment and compare it to the happiness in his life. He couldn’t find enough happiness compared to the number of times he had screwed up his life. Time and time again he had done something stupid. He was a failure. He stared at the ground just in front of them, not saying a word as he let the sadness overtake him. His one true question now was: how long would he be here before he did another stupid thing?

What Jynx had said at the meeting had been true. But at this point, family wasn't adding up for him. Family wasn't enough; he just wanted to stop constantly moving around.

(This post was last modified: May 04, 2015, 07:28 PM by Karpos.)
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Assuming Kisla went past Karpos and he's with the group, since.. he's sitting and Maksim is running (and has been moving away from the group for a certain amount of time?) Let me know if I should change!

Her sides were heavily swollen – no doubt, the tawny female had slowed her pack mates down quite a bit, given her current state. Exhaustion did not begin to describe how she felt, and the joys of motherhood and creating life was not as glamorous as it had felt the first time. This time, instead, she waddled her days away, her eyes searching past familiar terrain before delving in to the unknown, and anticipation stirred at her chest.. a nervousness that could only stem from any childhood memory she held where strangers and the unknown were not to be trusted.

With her hormones driving her emotions, the honeyed woman stuck close to her mate – her muzzle brushing against his flank every so often. This contact was rarely broken by her, and so, when they had settled for rest, it was a surprise to her when she awoke from an exhaustive slumber to find her sides cold.. and no Maksim there to keep them warm.

She did not hesitate as she stood then, her eyes scanning her brood before her, and her other pack mates. Trotting after the once River King, Kisla swept past the path he had walked only moments before, only wishing to find him.

When she did, his speed had picked up. Quickening her own pace, the Baranski regal cupped her ears forward.. hearing exactly what he had. Water.. a sound which caused her chest to clench in the ache of nostalgia form something they had only left days ago. She would not be able to match her mate’s quick paws, given her own waddle was less than graceful, and yet as they closed the distance, her eyes took in the grand redwood trees – and even better.. the winding river that was flowing freely in the small haven they had come across.

(This post was last modified: May 08, 2015, 12:30 PM by Maksim. Edit Reason: You were missing a /font tag, Rach. ♥ )

sparking up my heart

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


What had started as an adventure in the weeks prior was slowly becoming a more urgent search. The mood had changed somehow once the River wolves had entered Kingsfall; it was as if everyone sensed they were close, that these were the trees they would settle down among if only they could find their haven. Naia had spent the journey a fairly consistent quarter-day’s travel ahead of the group, only having company when someone wished to stretch their legs a little more—Orren in particular. They were all weary, especially because they could feel their journey drawing to a close, but even so Naia continued to press forward. She would not rest until they found not just a safe place, but their permanent home where Kisla could deliver and finally enjoy some much-earned relaxation.

The woods seemed particularly beautiful tonight; marvelous and mystifying all at once. In the crowded Cedarwoods, Naia had grown used to the stale scent of wolves blanketing the other scents of the forest. Kingsfall, with its regal name, was quite different—without so much foot traffic it seemed to be bursting with smells, plant and animal life alike. Naia felt that she was wandering through a newborn forest, bathed in moonlight and never before touched by wolfkind.  

Naia finally came upon the river she had been hearing and smelling. She paused to find the best way to cross, stooping to lap up a quick drink from between her paws. The travel worn scout didn’t realize just how much this spot on the river reminded her of home until the scent of the nearby Baranski pair enveloped her. A strong feeling of equal parts comfort and nostalgia wrapped around her heart and squeezed. “Maksim? Kisla?” she called softly, hardly louder than speaking voice. Though she could not tell which shadow obscured the pair she knew from their entwining scents that they were near enough to hear. She waited until she found their eyes twinkling in the light of the moon before speaking again. “I think it’s perfect.”

(This post was last modified: May 05, 2015, 04:19 PM by Naia.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

It was obvious that the wolves of the River were growing weary with travel, especially the pregnant Kisla. Cut Rock was lucky with two healers and an apprentice in their midst; they had been able to tend to the wolves quickly to ensure there was no delay in their travels. Although his paws were sore and his sides lean, XIX was enjoying the ‘adventure’. He had been able to collect plants that had not been abundant near the river that would be an essential part of his infirmary. As they traveled, he made mental notes on the whereabouts of these plants so they be collected again in the future. He was excited to find their future home so he could start on the new infirmary; he had been extremely proud on the one back in Cut Rock, as it had taken him quite some time to arrange everything to his liking. However, he was excited to start fresh and hopefully increase the size – which shouldn’t be a problem, especially with the help of Amisun and Karina.

Lachesis did not know if the enemy packs had realized that they had left their home behind – nor did he want to. He hoped that he would never have to encounter any of them as they pursued a home on the opposite end of Relic Lore. If the slender healer ever happened to cross paths with Rook the traitor would be greeted with teeth and nails; it was his fault that they had to abandon their home and start over. The young male was not particularly fond of violence, but this pack was his family. He had been by Maksim’s side since the birth of Cut Rock River, and would remain at his side until the green-eyed male was no longer capable of leading. He had done so much for the once frail and awkward ghost and XIX would always show his gratitude with his unwavering loyalty.

The constant travelling had also been good for Lachesis’ relationships within the pack. He had been able to spend more time with Karina and give her ‘on-the-go’ lessons about new plants. It had also given him a chance to get to know his fellow healer, Amisun, better; XIX believed having a strong relationship with her would only strengthen their healing abilities, as there would be times where they would have to rely heavily on each other. It had also given him a chance to share private conversations with both Anastasia and Bastet. XIX was excited to be traveling with the blue-eyed dove once again; it reminded him of the days they had spent as loners, where Ana had given him lessons on how to interact with ‘feral’ wolves. As his eyes fell on the snowy female, Lachesis could not deny that he missed those days. While he had been a skittish disaster, the pair had been able to travel as they pleased and explore different areas of Relic Lore before settling on a place to call home.

Although the area they had entered was foreign to the pear-eyed boy, familiarity flooded him as they entered the trees. It was as though they had arrived back in Cedarwood and were returning home… excitement began to consume him as he followed close behind Maksim, his pear eyes darting from tree to tree as he took in their new surroundings. Without warning the bubbling sound of running water reached him; it seemed that Maksim had also heard it, as his ears perked immediately at the sound before he took off into a sprint. With a glance back to Anastasia and an excited yip, Lachesis followed suit. His long legs enabled him to catch up quickly to the green-eyed leader, excitement fueling his movements as they closed in on the river ahead. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
Short and choppy but the sooner we hit 10 posts, the sooner we can do the claiming thread!

The great lord skidded to a halt as the river almost lurched into view, his peridot gaze widening at the grand scenery all around him. Enormous redwood trees that reached high into the sky, lush grass beneath his paws, sparkling waters that practically glowed in the moonlight. It was almost all too perfect. His heart stirred, nostalgia thrumming in his heart and soul as he slowly swung his head from right to left--this was not Cut Rock River. This was some place new entirely.

"I think it's perfect."

Maksim turned his head slowly, not realising that his lover stood by his side, that Lachesis and Naia were here too; the ever loyal seconds were unwavering in their places beside the leading pair. His attention turned back to the bubbling churning of the river before him. "Naia," his voice held a tone of relief and joy. "Inform the others. We are to scout the territory and return to this point at sunrise." The Baranski knew that the faithful second would have no qualms with closing the short distance between the leader and his followers. "Lachesis, speak with Amisun and my daughter. Find and identify anything that could prove useful to you in your work."

He nuzzled Kisla adoringly, brushing his nose against her side with a soft sigh of relief. "I hope you approve," he whispered to all of them--his mate and his children. "and that we are safe and happy here. This is home. We won't be chased from this one."

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orren Baranski
Eehp, Orren's here, sorry for the wait!

"I wanna find something I’ve wanted all along"

The protectiveness that had started building in the copper and soot lad once he realized his mother's pregnancy had grown stronger after leaving Cut Rock River. Once he'd gotten over his initial moping, he'd spend most of the journey close to his golden dam, not exactly clinging to her, but keeping her within eyesight, making sure she was still okay and not falling behind. The soon-to-be big brother felt oddly responsible for his coming siblings, a powerful mixture of excitement and dread bubbling within him whenever he thought of the coming event. Only when the slow pace got unbearable for his strong, young legs and adventurous nature, did the lad skip ahead, usually joining Naia ahead of the main group, helping her scout or receiving a small lesson in hunting, which he always enjoyed immensely.

The move had proven to be just as much of an adventure as the lean scout had promised, and Orren found himself, almost, feeling thankful for this chance to explore and go to new places without having to leave his family behind; But only almost! His mother's state, though healthy enough under the circumstances, reminded him that they had not left voluntarily; His new siblings would not be born in the den where he had, the pregnant queen had to travel across Relic Lore and search for another, safer place to birth her young, all the while driven by the urgency of her approaching do-date. For now though, Orren's anger had been pushed to the back of his mind, he wanted to help all he could, and he did his very best.

The lands of Kingsfall had been exciting to enter, just as exciting as any new place they had passed through before, but the almost-yearling hadn't realized the similarities with Cedarwood Forest. The tall redwoods - a name he did not yet know - was very different from the cedars in the youngster's eyes, and the underbrush here, where much more light fell, was lusher than their former home. Indeed, the boy had not even considered that this could be the end of their journey; when he settled in for the night, he thought of it as just another rest, just another stop on the continuing travel.

As on all those former nights, he laid down close to his parents, although he knew his father, and the rest of the pack, would keep Kisla safe, he still wanted to be near. He soon drifted into sleep, but the sounds of stirring awoke him after just a few hours. The sky was clear, and the moon shone brightly down through the sequoias, bathing the resting pack in pale light. As per reflex, he looked first in direction of his parents and was surprised to find his sire gone; He's left?! For a moment the lad was torn, not knowing whether to stay back and look after his dam or follow ahead. Then Kisla opened her eyes, and as she got up, Orren too scrambled to his feet, following behind her into the woods.

The run was easy enough for him, but he worried about the pregnant queen, and was happy when he saw her slow down and join Maksim up ahead. Their sun trotted up behind them, ears flicking as he suddenly heard Naia's voice; Perfect..? He came to a holt next to his mother and looked over the scene with wide eyes. Now he finally saw the familiarity of the land, the bright river shimmering in the moonlight, striped by the shadows of the trees. It looked like home, and at the same time it was different; A new home..? Just as he thought it, he heard the rumble of his father's voice and turned his head to watch the strong king as he spoke. The directions seemed to support his thought, and whit Maksim's ending words, Orren was assured, he hoped they would proof truthful. In the following silence, the young man was quick to sound his own voice, warm eyes aglow in the night as he asked, slightly breathlessly; "What can I do?!"

Word count: 680

Thoughts ”Speech”
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


The Baranski pair had not been wandering alone tonight, it seemed. Lachesis’s scent in the night’s breeze preceded his appearance, the healer’s pale pelt exposing him beneath the light of the moon. Naia moved to join her family, knowing that the ground she stood on would soon become the pack’s densite but for now it was just theirs—the leads and their Seconds. Their secret.  Though her expression was obscured in the shadows, the scout was grinning ear to ear, as evidenced by the twinkling in her honey eyes. Maksim instructed her to inform the rest of the pack of their discovery and Naia agreed immediately. “Sunrise, yes Sir,” repeated the dutiful scout.  She hesitated only briefly before turning to leave, wanting to relish the feeling of discovery and closeness for just a moment longer. Maksim then set Lachesis to a task as well, and the Timber woman understood that—perhaps—the lead couple wanted some privacy to enjoy the moment.  

Orren piped up, and Naia turned realized the near-yearling was present as well. He smelled so much of his mother she had missed his scent downwind, but Naia should have known that wherever Kisla was the young man would only be a step behind. “You’re welcome to join me as I scout the territory,” she offered to @Orren, “I can’t think of anyone better to ground the pack’s first caches.” As much as Naia wished for the boy to take to scouting, it was obvious he lived and breathed for hunting. That much was made clear to her during the journey, when she could only persuade Orren to leave Kisla’s side with the promise of a hunting lesson. Scouting and hunting did go paw in paw though, especially now as they were establishing brand new territory. Naia knew that Orren would not pass up such an important task as choosing the locations of their food stores. “Now let’s wake your brother!” she barked as she disappeared into the trees. That was yet another chance she knew Orren would find irresistible; the chance to tease Aleksei—who so often outshined his siblings—about sleeping through the discovery of their new home.

--exit Naia

(This post was last modified: May 08, 2015, 07:53 PM by Naia.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Her heart lifted in the next few stolen moments -- Naia and orren were right behind her, and as she took in the breathtaking scenery around them, a sudden innate sense of belonging enveloped her like a warm hug. Naia's words fit her own thoughts perfectly, and she gave the honeyed she-wolf a gentle smile. Lachesis was with them as well, and she cast a warm glance to the healer as Maksim began to dole out orders.

Naia was to round up the others, and Kisla gave a gentle nod to her son's quick desperation at being assigned a task. "Explore -- help Naia round up the others," she murmured after the Scout's own offer to the boy. At her mate's final words to his family, she brushed her muzzle closer to him, inhaling sharply at the familiar scent of the Baranski King, though noting that the cedar would soon fade from his pelt as well as theirs.

"A den, Maksim.. Let's see if we can find the perfect spot for our next litter." It was truly the thing she wanted desperately, even more than seeking out a home of solitude and away from those that threatened them. She would be giving birth soon, and she would not settle until she had a safe haven to welcome them in to the world.

She did not wait for him -- instead, she cast him a coy smile before pulling away, her honeyed form somewhat waddling as she began to explore further. She began to follow the river's edge, her eyes drifting between it, her beloved, and the beauty that surrounded them in the form of grand trees and earthy moss.

sparking up my heart